Eagles at the Yacultas . Watching the action of the tide is crucial for Marine Link often links are made at night on the high tide, a large search light illuminates the passage. I remember being on the bridge at night with the captain. it takes years of experience before a seaman is trusted and promoted to Captain. While passing throught the narrow channel eagles were perched on the overhanging snags swooping down for pink salmon who were migrating. – Acrylic on Canvas



Acrylic on canvas.

Dimensions 30 × 40 in

1 in stock



Eagles at the Yacultas


Acrylic on canvas.

The Inspiration

It’s a BC Moment! Hundred of creamy white headed Bald Eagles congregate at the Yaculta rapids, as many fish species pass through the narrow channel storm past. The churning water pushes the fish up to the surface and into reach of their talons.

Tug boat captains patiently wait for the slack tide through these rapids. Similarly, small boats would never attempt to get through waters like these without a good back-up motor running, waiting in the wings…just in case. You don’t get a second chance in that current. A powerful engine, a running back-up, and a strong hull are all requirements to experience the boiling waters of the Yaculta Narrows.

Whirlpools up to 80 feet across have been seen. One island literally shakes when the tidal waters compressed through the narrow channels surges through.

Do you want to try to spot a Bald Eagle’s nest while traveling up the BC Coast? Look for enormous trees with broken tops. Usually, there will also be a dead skeletal tree nearby that they use as a watchtower.

An eagle’s nest can weigh several tons. Generations of eagles nest in the same tree, making the nest look like a primitive high rise.

It’s interesting to look below one of these nests and get an idea of the wide range of carrion these birds eat, from fish decaying, deer, rabbit, anything that is available.

The eagle on the U.S. coin is as much a bird of prey as a patriotic symbol. They are huge birds, and voracious eaters . There arc few small species of birds or mammals that don’t pay attention when they hear an eagle’s shriek. One couldn’t imagine the number of sea-gulls that have been ‘whacked’ by plummeting eagles.