Empress Hotel Reflection, Victoria – Acrylics on Canvas


Dimensions 30 × 40 in


People don’t always appreciate my wonky distraction of their favourite hotel, the Empress in Victoria. You have to have the child alive and well in your spirit that he’s feeling through very childlike. However, if you understand design, do you see that geometric shapes like a cube is TJ variations on the circle square and triangle, large, medium and small. My favourite is the circle can be the sun. It can be the part of the side of the building or I can be the nail holding up the sign in.

My original marketing idea what to do if you want to see you all in Victoria between now and September are 400 Kusha visit, 800,000 people is a Victoria and walk along the seawall to see all the local artists and musicians. It can be very lucrative. However, the fellow who work for me, developed health problems and was not up to the task. Fortunately, a lot of people from Victoria visit my Black Creek gallery over the years of celebrating. I had a great deal of fun doing them series. Listen in acrylics, sometimes if I felt the paining wanted it, I would use bling to add accent points . The bling sparkles play jewels when the sun hits it. Not everybody likes the bling they say it means the painting makes it look childlike. Whoever Picasso said to be an artist you had to be childlike. Are used to tell my students there are no rules in art only creativity.

In the past I used to do a lot of art shows in Victoria Victoria art gallery, art rental program. Commercial galleries, I remember trying to impress my current girlfriend, who is from Cumberland with a night at the episode. Tell it was expensive response was forget the hotel give me the money so much for romance Cumberland style.
Campus hotel is the favourite spot at Hollywood movie stars such as Shirley MacLaine Victoria’s, and I do I do a place to fill movies having a variety of scenery architecture with the backdrop of the mountains in Washington state
The other thing about Victoria is most things are within walking distance with plenty of outdoor restaurants to stop and rest and enjoy the local cuisine. At 875. I stay close to home and focus on my two galleries, one Black Creek on Vancouver island and the other one in the hotel in Vancouver, my son, Robert and his wife live on my property in two cabins and they run a business when I’m not here and help me with the maintenance on the three buildings in the property
To me the reflection, if you turn it around, looks like a Disney castle you can imagine the Disney characters climbing around the structure. To me to try to like quality is part of his charm.

I’ve done a number of variations on the Empress hotel night day sunrise sunsets, starry night, bling, different, under paintings and blue to ultramarine blue see a little blue. Crimson is one of my favorites. Lately I just been using the blank white canvas I was using and under painting actually modifies the colours in some pigments were better just on the white ground and a brighter, which is what I’m after. To me paintings about emotion greater than motional impact the better. If the emotion of the painting resonates with the viewer is a chance they will buy the painting. I’ve seen many people get very excited about a painting and not buy it and come back years later and say, did you still got that painting course usually it’s sold . The painting I haunted them. Canadians are generally conservative purchasing art can be a difficult decision to make. I know some men good morning Lauder wipes to come in my gallery because I’m such a good salesman and storyteller they will want to buy a picture. The husbands don’t want to part with the cash. like the tragicomedy I love the comedy